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Compassion for You and Me, for Us!

As all Mondays went by at Tarakanita, we always have a flag ceremony before the first period. This morning (26/2) the weather fitted nicely with the occasion, it is not sunny, nor it was dark. Just perfect for a flag ceremony to run through.

Today, Mr. Yosef did a speech about compassion, the first example he made are for the 12th grades, as they are processing on their exam, due to their exam, they sound a bit more tired than how they usually reply. Mr. Yosef also asked us to give an applause to the 12th graders to cheer them up.

On his second example, are the 10th graders that are about to go on an activity. Live in is an activity that has been going on in Tarakanita since long ago, so the 10th graders are now about to experience Live In. It is not easy to prepare for this Live In, the 10th graders must prepare their health and mental for the activity to go on   swiftly. So, Mr. Yosef cheers the 10th graders too, as the Live In activity is getting closer.

For the last example, Mr. Yosef took the 11th graders as an example, they are about to do another outdoor activity called PLS. PLS is an activity where the students learn outside the walls of Tarakanita, it is not mentioned much, but they are told the activity will be held on the 2024’s March.

After Mr. Yosef’s speech, the ceremony went as it is usually done. (Mireille Andrea Maythius, X.3/30)

  • 13 Mar 2024 07:03:50
    tradisi yang baik yang dilakukan di sekolah ini, upacara merupakan salah satu bentuk nasionalisme dan penghargaan kepada pahlawan bangsa
  • 13 Mar 2024 07:03:10
    First of all, let's give an applause for the 12th graders because they are going through a tough week. Also, i hope that the 10th graders are ready for the live-in!
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