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Rules of the Game and Student IDs

This fine afternoon, we 10th graders were told to meet up. On this date, 12th February 2024, we were hoping for the usual Proyek Pengembangan Potensi (P3) subject in class. But to our surprise, it was exchanged to yet another get together.

Gathering in the 4th floor Auditorium, we sat down completed with our bags. Looking ahead for any sneak-peaks regarding the topic this time. Some of us saw a canva presentation being opened, some saw an Excel name list, and some just talked with friends waiting for the meeting to start.

After everyone was ready, Pak Agus started the meeting with an opening. He said the gathering today is emphasizing the ‘Live In: Rules of Conduct’ that will be shown to our parents the next day, as well as giving our long awaited Student IDs. Of which he told us to remind our parents regarding the meeting time the next day.

With this great opening, he passed off the mic to one of our Vice Principles. Ibu Valentina, or us students know her more as Bu Valen, the Vice Principle of Student Affairs. She started the main event. She emphasized again regarding the ‘Rules of Conduct’ to our Live In event. Giving more explanation on some of the rules mentioned.

Some mentioned are:

1. Regarding the money allowed. We are only permitted Rp. 30.000 rupiah (max) as well as an envelope of Collection money on the trip, it is advised we bring more than that because we may be stopped in a Rest Area on our way there / coming back home. We may be able to buy gifts or souvenirs there. But of course, the extra money brought upon must be kept by the accompanying teacher.

2. Pocket cameras that are advised are not required. If said student does not have a pocket camera, then the student may depend on the pictures taken by the teachers. The school has prepared a Google Drive for the pictures taken by them, so students may use those pictures for their Live In report.

3. A Bonus Rule was added as well! When the clock strikes 10.00 WIB, we must stop whatever activity we were doing and sing our national anthem “Indonesia Raya”. We must stand tall and direct ourselves to the nearest red and white flag. If there aren’t any nearby, we must stand facing the direction we are looking.

After these extra explanations, she gave us a rough schedule on what we are to do before and after the trip. It was more so a combined explanation with Bu Valen and Pak Agus. This rough schedule does not include what will we be doing when we arrive, since those events will be arranged by our ‘Parents’ there.

Then the gathering ended with the distribution of our Student IDs. Students were to sign an acceptance signature, signifying the retrieval of our IDs. Then after they have their cards, the thin plastic seal on the card had to be carefully pealed off. Pealing too recklessly may cause the card to be damaged.

The bell rang and the students may leave. Not without forgetting their phones, of course, as well as leaving with their new IDs and knowledge. But before they left, Pak Agus told us to look forward to this Thursday. The students’s house roommates will be announced at the last lesson, Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5). (Lilin, X.3)

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