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Saling Sayang Saling Mengenal, Bukan Menindas

“Halo teman-teman!” Begitulah sapaan dari Kak Dea, dengan nama lengkap Angela Dea Desideria, S.Psi. selaku narasumber pada kegiatan P5 kelas X. Di 2 jam terakhir pada Kamis, 1 Februari 2024, siswa-siswi kelas X mengikuti kegiatan P5 di aula SMA Tarakanita GS. Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) kali ini bertema, Bangunlah Jiwa dan Raganya. 

Kak Dea mengawali materi dengan permainan sederhana dan pertanyaan berupa “siapa yang pernah menjadi korban bully?” dan “siapa yang pernah menjadi pelaku pembullyan?”. Siswa-siswi harus menjawab secara jujur dengan mata tertutup dan apabila pernah, maka harus mengangkat tangan.

Dalam proyek ini, Kak Dea memberi paparan mengenai "Menganalisis Perundungan Bagi Kesehatan Jiwa dan Raga”. Sesuai dengan materinya, Kak Dea menjelaskan mengenai berbagai macam perundungan/bullying. Juga dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari hal bully tersebut, salah satunya adalah rasa trauma yang mendalam. Kak Dea juga membagikan cerita mengenai seseorang yang pernah mengalami bullying. Cerita itu menjadi refleksi bersama, bahwa dampak negatif bagi korban bullying tidaklah main-main dan bisa bersifat jangka panjang maupun pendek.

Materi pun selesai dipaparkan, siswa-siswi diajak untuk melakukan aktivitas bersama kelompok masing-masing. Setiap kelompok diminta untuk menuliskan dampak dari setiap macam bullying pada secarik sticky note. Lalu ditempelkan jadi satu pada kertas manila. Nantinya tulisan-tulisan tersebut akan dibacakan. 

Setiap kelas juga diminta untuk membuat sebuah tulisan sebagai bentuk komitmen untuk saling menjaga dan mengenal dengan sesama. Sehingga semuanya bisa saling merangkul bukan memukul. 

“Berpikirlah sebelum bertindak,” itulah pesan yang disampaikan oleh Kak Dea pada hari ini. (Ursula Cherie, X.4)

  • 07 Feb 2024 07:02:31
    Having a no bullying socialization in school build a peace environment where students feel safe and respected. It's nice to see the school teach the student of empathy and kindness, helping students develop social skills and emotional intelligence. By raising issues of bullying, the school create a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and making friends.
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:40
    I was at that socialization, and it really helped me to know how important it is not to bully others. I also came to know the consequences of bullying and being bullied. She presented the event in a fun and easy way to understand. "
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:55
    I learned a lot from that seminar. She explains the material so well and it was so fun. I know a lot more about bullying now. So the seminar is so useful.
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:01
    It was really interesting to know the different types of bullying and how it effects people on their daily lives. How Kak Dea explains about the material is fun and easy to understand which makes the students interested about learning this material. Now I know that bullying can cause not only short term effects, but also long term affects. Thank you Kak Dea!
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:55
    The seminar really helped us with understanding kinds of bullying and how it can affect those going through it. Kak Dea is a really good speaker as well!
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:56
    It was really so good to know the different types of bullying and how it effects people on their daily lives and How Kak Dea explains about the material is fun and very easy to understand . After that I know that bullying can cause not only short term effects, but also long term effects Even victims of bullying can commit suicide
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:27
    After I attended this socialization, i realised that bully is really bad. The impact of bullying can make victims experience mental and physical pain. I hope that after this socialization, SMA Tarakanita students will never bully.
  • 07 Feb 2024 05:02:59
    Thank you kak Dea for the lovely socialization! Bullying is a topic that should be handled seriously. I'm glad that schools are teaching and hosting these socialization for us to know and really learn the effects, causes, and treatment for bullying. Let's make a school environment that is comfortable for us all, with no bullying
  • 07 Feb 2024 05:02:22
    The socialization was very entertaining and educational, it helped me understand more about bullying. I now understand the incredible impact that bullying can cause and what effects it has to someone. After listening to the socialization, I was much more aware of the types of bullying and what counts as bullying.
  • 07 Feb 2024 07:02:13
    This activity was really fun, Kak Dea also provided very complete information. And what is certain is that we also get deeper insights/lessons about bullying!.
  • 07 Feb 2024 07:02:13
    It was really interesting to know more about bullying and also the impact of bullying. This is a very good step taken by the school for trying to educate the students by giving them socialization about bullying. I hope this socialization helps create a safe school environment without bullying.
  • 07 Feb 2024 08:02:14
    The seminar session gave us a really important and useful lesson. We learned about bullying, the types, the damage that bullying cause and a lot more. Hopefully the seminar will have a huge impact on shopping bullying.
  • 07 Feb 2024 10:02:06
    Great activity, now we know how to prevent bullying, and the types of bullying. They also explained abou the effect of bullying. Lets hope there're no more casses about bullying.
  • 08 Feb 2024 08:02:10
    This activity was really fun, Kak Dea also provided very complete information. And what is certain is that we also get deeper insights/lessons about bullying!
  • 12 Feb 2024 01:02:33
    This meeting was very important, especially for grade 10 that will do the live in program, so they can increasing social sensitivity, increasing hardiness (endurance), resilience, forming positive character, or a means of multiculturalism education.
  • 12 Feb 2024 01:02:04
    Special thanks to Ka Dea for the information, knowledge, and creative activity that you gave to us about bullying. "Think before you do" is the best thing that you can do to decrease bullying. Also, thank you to SMA Tarakanita Gading Serpong for providing a good activity for us, the students in order to enhance our character and be a better person.
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