
Gerakan Bersama Peduli Sampah dengan Pembuatan Eco Enzyme

Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Peduli Sampah Sedunia, Yayasan Tarakanita merencanakan kegiatan Pembuatan Eco Enzyme oleh seluruh warga Sekolah Tarakanita. Baik Guru maupun peserta didik, termasuk karyawan non edukatif. Sosialisasi ini disampaikan oleh Antonius Heru Wibowo, S. T. selaku Koordinator Keadilan Perdamaian dan Keutuhan Ciptaan (KPKC) unit sekolah pada hari Senin, 19 Februari 2024.

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Sampek and Engtay's Tragic Love Story

The Chinese New Year celebration has come and the school has prepared something interesting which is called TETRA Fest. It was held at the school's auditorium on Friday, February 16 2024. The actors who play in the show vary from grade 10 to grade 12. The main characters are Sampek and Engtay. 

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Joining the Celebration of Chinese New Year with all of Tarakanita Gading Serpong

The Chinese new year is always a joyous celebration, especially with the bright red decorations and loud music. This year on Friday the 16th of February 2024, our school decided to celebrate it together. From kindergarteners, elementary schoolers, juniors, and senior highschoolers, we all gathered together to enjoy the fun atmosphere. 

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Tanggung Jawab Ada di Pundakmu, Anak Muda

Hujan rintik-rintik menyambut hari diawal minggu ini. “Kita upacaranya di aula ya guys, ayo semuanya naik ke aula!” begitulah sorak sorai para siswa setelah bel berbunyi. Pada hari Senin, 12 Februari 2024, siswa-siswi SMA Tarakanita Gading Serpong mengikuti kegiatan upacara bendera seperti biasanya.

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Rules of the Game and Student IDs

This fine afternoon, we 10th graders were told to meet up. On this date, 12th February 2024, we were hoping for the usual Proyek Pengembangan Potensi (P3) subject in class. But to our surprise, it was exchanged to yet another get together.

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